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Maitland Car Accident Chiropractor

If you are suffering from neck pain or back pain following a car accident you may have suffered a spinal or whiplash injury. North Orlando Chiropractic can help.

CALL or TEXT (407) 205 8206 to Schedule Today!

Common injuries following a car accident are bulging or herniated discs, injuries to the muscles and ligaments, and severe headaches. Without the proper treatment these injuries can have a major impact on your health, leading to months or years of chronic pain. Dr. Alex has years of experience treating patients who have been in car accidents and helping them return to their pre-accident state.

A whiplash injury occurs when the force of the impact “whips” the head forward and back. This typically leads to tears in the muscle and ligaments of the spine. This force is sometimes enough to cause a bulging or herniated disc in the spine.

On your first visit we will evaluate you to see what injuries you have sustained. Then we will develop a custom treatment plan to help you recover from your injuries. We have seen many patients who come to our office with so much pain after a car accident that they have trouble performing their daily activities. It’s common for people involved in auto accidents to be unable to sleep, sit for periods of time, or lift objects because of the pain. Our goal is to get you out of pain so you can live your life and do all of your daily activities without discomfort.  If you have pain after a car accident give us a call as soon as possible.

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