What are my treatment options for neck pain or back pain?
One of the more common complaints patients come to our office with are neck pain, mid back pain, and lower back pain. Many times patients come to our office after trying other treatment options that they didn’t get good results with. They are in a lot of pain and discomfort and are looking for relief.
Some of the more common treatments that people try for their complaints are things like pain medication, muscle-relaxers, and anti-inflammatories. However, even after taking these medications the patients say that they only had temporary relief of their symptoms and once the medication wore off they felt the pain again. They also complain that the side-effects of these medications made it hard to do their daily activities and work. I sympathize with these patients because they just want to feel better and are frustrated with treatments that just cover up their symptoms. Sometimes I see patients come to our office after trying trigger point injections and facet joint steroid injections. Some say that they helped a lot, some say not at all, and many say that the relief was only temporary.
I don’t believe that all medications are bad. My philosophy is that before you try more invasive measures that you should give chiropractic and conservative care a chance. At our office we offer all natural chiropractic care that can help you feel better and function better without the need for medication or injections. We believe those interventions should only be used after trying chiropractic care. Come to our office and have us utilize our hands on chiropractic adjustments to get your spine moving better and remove pressure on the nervous system. We also offer a specialized decompression to our treatments that really enhances our adjustments. Take a look at the technique in this video. It’s called cox flexion distraction technique.